About Schrey & Veit
A quarter century of successfully soundproofingby vibration damping
Schrey & Veit GmbH was established in 1994, with a focus on developing and providing solutions fornoise reduction through tuned dampers for railway, aircraft, submarines, and other specialapplications.Schrey & Veit developed wheel damper systems for high-speed trains, trams and mountain railwaysand their rail dampers are very effective against noise and corrugation.
One of their unique sellingpoints is that the damper is not glued to the rail, making it easily removable for maintenance or railreplacement. The dampers are fire-resistant and are adjustable to all rail profiles – worldwide. Theyhave been homologated for many train and metro networks around the globe and are usable onballasted and slab tracks. The company invests heavily in research and development and offersdetailed installation planning, training for track workers, and full-service packages worldwide.
Additionally, Schrey & Veit offers other damping solutions such as wheel dampers and vibrationdampers for general structure vibration, including steely railway bridges.
Timeline of a success story
In 1994, Peter Schrey and Guenther Veit found a company in Sindelfingen near Stuttgart, Germany, specialising in sound insulation through vibration damping. For the company name, the founders combine their surnames. Schrey & Veit GmbH is born.
In 1995, the young company successfully completed tests and development for its first major order, vibration dampers for the most modern turbo-prop aircraft at those days, the DO328 from Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH. Series production begins.
Three years after founding the company, founder Peter Schrey dies after a short, serious illness in 1997. Guenther Veit, whose main focus was research and development, has to continue the company overnight alone. The name of the deceased founder Peter Schrey remains as an integral part of the company name.
In 1997, the company headquarters move from Sindelfingen to Sprendlingen in Rheinhessen, close to Frankfurt and the prospering Rhine-Main region.
Also in 1997, the company adopts the patented absorber technology of the “Innovative Noise Control Technology” department of Daimler-Benz Aerospace. This opens new areas for advanced R&D activities and further applications.
1998 enables the company to develop the first production-standard vibration dampers for rail vehicles and steel railway bridges. Guenther Veit sees great potential for the future of the company in noise protection through vibration damping on the track components, infrastructure and rail vehicles.
In 1999, the recent developed vibration dampers for steel railway bridges are applied for the first time. Acoustic measurements are showing a reduced noise emission and a considerable improvement for local residents.
First damper applications at rail vehicles follows in 2000. Stuttgart public transport company looks for acoustic improvements and contracted Schrey & Veit to equip its entire tram fleet with wheel dampers. Especially in the curvey sections of this large network the noise is remarkable reduced.
In 2005, the vibration damping principle is transferred to railway tracks: First rail damper types are developed by Schrey & Veit. This is a natural supplement to the already applied wheel dampers – acting on the second and always present noise source.
After considerable preparation works, in 2007 several railway networks were opened for rail damper application: The product homologation processes in Germany, France, and The Netherlands were succesfully finished.
Triggered by these international projects, the interest in rail-mounted damper systems has increased worldwide. In order to meet the expected demands, an assembly plant with two production lines was built and set in operation at the production facility in Sprendlingen.
In 2010, Schrey & Veit improves the rail damper installation: “RAFFIS”, the new in-line mounting system for rail dampers, was succesfully tested. This enables semi-automated assembly of rail damper systems in the track – cutting track closure times, man power and budget.
In the next year, Deutsche Bahn purchases rail dampers for more than 40 track km. The different operational conditions (train service, track type, speed etc.) had been chosen to enable an extensive acoustic testing programme.
In 2012, different cooperation projects had been continued to enhance the Schrey & Veit research knowledge level with international partner organisations.
In 2013, Schrey & Veit receives the rail damper homologation for Dutch high-speed lines – trains are running here more than 300 km/h.
At Sprendlingen site, the company’s movement extended the headquarter size and the production capacity.
In 2014, Schrey & Veit celebrates its 20th anniversary. The company has become a innovative producer of noise abatement by vibration damping. All products and services are also distributed by partners in Europe, Australia, Canada, USA and Asia.
In 2015, Schrey & Veit launched a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015.
Also, many applications of wheel dampers were managed at tram and light rail transport vehicles.
2016 opens freight cars for being also improved by wheel dampers. In Europe, freight train noise is the most annoying kind of railway noise. After succesfully type testing and finishing the homologation process wagon owners can now upgrade their fleets.
In 2017, the Schrey & Veit quality management system is certified by an external company according ISO 9001: 2015.