Rail fastening ShimLift at further sites
The vertical adjustable rail fastening ShimLift is now in operation at further sites at the DB Netz AG network: Beside other locations, at Weißwasser and Rietschen in the Upper Lusatia region at the line no 6142, but also close to Schwerte (Ruhr) at line no 2550. Multiple road crossings and bridges had been remediated and […]
Rail dampers for extended noise reduction in the Elbe valley / Saxonian Switzerland / Dresden urban area
German network manager DB Netz AG continues with the “Lärmsanierung” (noise remediation) on existing railway lines and for particular sensitive areas, a “Machbarkeitsuntersuchung” (feasibility study) sets the frame for further improvements. One of these areas is the Elbe valley where in 2011 rail dampers had been already installed for testing purposes – most of them from […]
Shift2Rail project Assets4Rail successful finished
The overall objective of Assets4Rail is to contribute to the achievement of cost efficient and reliable railway infrastructures. Workstream 1 focusses on improving the inspection, maintenance and upgrade methods for cost reduction and quality improvement of railway bridges and tunnels; but also the noise and vibration reduction in bridges is an objective. At bridges, the increased […]